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Monster Hunter Series Sells Over 100 Million Globally

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Screenshot

Capcom has announced that worldwide sales of the Monster Hunter games have exceeded 100 million copies as of the franchise’s 20th anniversary. Monster Hunter Risethe latest installment, contributed more than 15 million units to this significant achievement, while Rise expansion Sunbreak has sold over eight million.

Here’s an adorable commemorative artwork of a hunter and a Palico riding a Palamute from the Monster Hunter Twitter/X account (@MH_Rise_JP).

Earlier this year, the company also shared that Monster Hunter: World (plus the Iceborne expansion) has sold over 25 million units worldwide. It’s by far Capcom’s best-selling title of all time and the one that has contributed the most to the 100 million units milestone. Personally, it’s my favorite and most-played title in the series. Our Iceborne PC review and Sunbreak Switch review, which rate their respective games highly, speak for themselves.

With the impending release of Wilds in 2025, I wouldn’t be surprised if that eventually tops the total sales of World. Fans are surely craving a next-gen game for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. 

Stay tuned to RPGFan for MH Wilds updates before it launches next year!

Source: Gematsu

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Tin Manuel

Tin Manuel

Tin is a Graphic Designer by the day & an adventurer in whatever game she is playing at night. She gets giddy talking about RPG games (specifically JRPGs), new releases, and loves almost every female protagonist. She loves animals but has a great fondness towards pugs & shibas. She’s forgetful at times but she will never forget Aerith’s death in 480p.

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